Monday, November 28, 2011

Chicken Liver Pate

We often think of pate as a sinful indulgence.  It’s not.  Pate is simply chock full of essential nutrients such as:
  • Iron for healthy blood
  • Folate for healthy cell regeneration and protection from heart disease
  • B12 for a healthy nervous system
  • Vitamin B6 for healthy hormones and protein metabolism
  • Vitamin A for healthy eyes, skin and respiratory tract
  • Zinc for healthy skin and immune system
  • Protein for growth, repair and regeneration
  • Choline for healthy nerves and muscles
  • Cholesterol (yes cholesterol IS an essential ‘nutrient’, without it there’d be no oestrogen, progesterone or testosterone, you’d have leaky cells and you wouldn’t be able to store memories or make myelin which protects your nerves.  If your cholesterol is high you need to find out why YOUR liver is producing more than it should.  Your liver makes 80% of the cholesterol found in your body, 10% is made in your digestive tract and 5% in your skin.  Only 5-10% comes from dietary sources.  FYI breast milk contains more cholesterol than any other food)
Try it on toast for breakfast (makes better brain food than honey on toast and most kids love it provided you don’t tell them what it’s made from!).  It also makes a mid afternoon snack with some raw organic carrot sticks.
Most pate these days is made from margarine instead of butter. By making your own you know what goes into it. No preservatives, no trans fat, just good ingredients.
There are many good recipes on the net. I make different ones from batch to batch.

8 oz chicken liver, trimmed
1 small onion, finely chopped
1 clove garlic, finely chopped
4 oz butter
Salt & pepper
1 tablespoon brandy
Pinch dried thyme, or mixed herbs
Clarified butter

China pot or small cocottes


Melt 1 oz butter in a pan, cook onion & garlic until soft then add liver.  Increase heat and sauté briskly for 2-3 minutes, liver should be firm to touch but remain slightly pink in centre.

Cool mixture and chop very finely or pass through a mincer.  Then rub through fine sieve or work in an electric blender.

Cream remaining butter and beat into liver mixture.  Season well and add brandy and herbs.

Put into china pot or small bowls with tops.  Smooth over the top, cover with a little clarified butter.  Refrigerate.

Just an example of many. Whip up a batch and enjoy.
Health and Happiness

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