Thursday, August 12, 2021

Hydrogen Peroxide Nebulization

When I got sick with "Covid" at the end of April 2021, I nebulized with this formula and it didn't enter into my lungs. You can find the pictures at his website.


November 23, 2020

Advanced Medicine Alternatives

Hydrogen Peroxide nebulization has been reported to be helpful preventing and

treating respiratory viral infections. Many people have been asking about how to use

hydrogen peroxide nebulization when coming down with a respiratory virus infection.

Several authors and natural medicine doctors have written articles on the benefits of

hydrogen peroxide nebulization, some of which are referenced on this page.

This information is for education purposes only, and is not medical advice or

recommending any treatment. You should discuss any potential treatments

with your health care professional.


Dr. Shallenberger, author of Second Opinion newsletter, discusses natural therapies

for many conditions and ways to prevent illnesses. He wrote an article March 9, 2020 titled:

This At-Home Treatment Can Knock Out Any Virus–Including the Coronavirus. It

described hydrogen peroxide nebulization.

Nebulization has been used to deliver medicines for many years for people with respiratory

problems including asthma. Dr. Shallenberger discovered that nebulized medicines can have

systemic effects and used hydrogen peroxide for a respiratory infection for his wife and

others with excellent results. He has treated many people with good success fighting viral



Dr. Shallenberger’s article notes: “the treatments are simple. Just attach delivery mask to the

nebulizer output (see the devices instructions for specifics). Then add 3 cc of the hydrogen

peroxide and saline mixture to the nebulizer. Place the mask over your mouth and nose and

breathe normally until the solution is gone. It’s as simple as that.” One treatment usually

takes 10-15 minutes.

When first coming down with a virus infection, that tickle in the back of your throat or

sniffles, he recommends nebulizing dilute “hydrogen peroxide hourly the first day and then

4-6 times a day until the infection is completely resolved. In most cases if you start the

treatment early enough, before it has gotten a strong hold this will be in 2-4 days.” The goal

is to stop the virus before it gets deep in the lungs where it causes severe

inflammation and can progress to serious illness.

He also found those treatments to be useful for non-viral illnesses such as asthma in patients

with chronic lung disease. He recommends less frequent treatments for chronic conditions.

In his article he recommends having your doctor mix up hydrogen peroxide, but in a previous

article he explains how you can do it yourself safely by using 3% food grade hydrogen

peroxide available at health food stores such as Whole Foods or online (see links below).


1. To make the nebulizing mixture dilute 5 mL of 3% hydrogen peroxide in 100 mL saline

<OR> 1 ounce of 3% hydrogen peroxide to about 16 ounces of saline.

2. Use 3 cc of the diluted mixture for each nebulization treatment.

3. Place the mask over your mouth and nose and breathe normally until the solution is

gone, which is usually 10-15 minutes.

4. Repeat the 3 cc nebulization treatment hourly the first day, and 4-6 times a day until

the infection is resolved.

You can do this in conjunction with any recommendations your health care

practitioner recommends.

Some authors suggest stronger solutions for better antiviral effect up to 0.5% which would be

about 15 cc of 3% hydrogen peroxide in the 100 mL of saline. If there is any burning

sensation, back off to the more dilute solution.

If no saline is available distilled water can also be used to dilute the hydrogen peroxide. If

food grade hydrogen peroxide is not available standard hydrogen peroxide that you can get at

the drugstore could be used and then diluted as above, but is not as pure.

He believes that that having a nebulizer and hydrogen peroxide treatment at home would be

the end of your family ever having to miss work or school because of a viral illness. It has

worked in his practice.


It would be best to have these supplies on hand and ready to use at the first sign of a viral

infection whether it be a cold, flu, or other respiratory viral infection. The sooner treatment

is begun the less likely it will progress to more serious infection and illness.


Below are some links to articles referencing Dr. Shallenberger‘s experience using this

treatment. Other doctors, including Dr. Levy and Dr. Mercola also reference this treatment.

Dr. Mercola’s article also includes a video.

Dr. Shallenberger Article: This -At Home -Treatment Can Knock Out Any Virus

Including Coronavirus

Dr. Mercola article regarding hydrogen peroxide nebulization

Article Dr. Levy and Dr. Shallenberger regarding hydrogen peroxide



Supplies can be bought online, and at some health food stores, drug stores, Walmart, etc.

We have included sources below as examples only. We are not associated with, nor

responsible for the merchants, the products, or the distribution of supplies.

Click the image to see the shopping site. Note: the nebulizer compressor and the mask and

tubing are typically sold separately.

Compressor Nebulizer


Adult Mask and Tubing


Saline Solution


Food Grade Hydrogen Peroxide


Syringe for Measuring (can also use a medicine cup)


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