Thursday, October 15, 2015

Cure Tooth Decay

The book, Cure Tooth Decay by Ramiel Nagel, outlines a diet that will remineralize your teeth and stop new cavities from forming. It is based on research by Weston Price using bone broths, fermented grains, and raw milk products to stop the bad stuff from harming your teeth and encourage the good stuff to rebuild them. The key take away is that in order to cure tooth decay and remineralize your teeth, they need to have direct contact with the building blocks that teeth are made of – calcium, phosphorous, and some trace minerals. Your teeth also need less contact with the things in the oral environment that inhibit the rebuilding process. 

The bad stuff:
The oral environment that prevents cavities from healing and destroys dental enamel
Uncontrolled blood sugar spikes
Sugary food and drink
Commercial toothpastes – the glycerin and fluoride inhibit the remineralization of tooth enamel
Artificial sweeteners – increase blood sugar, acidify the mouth
Fluoridated water – binds to tooth enamel making it weak and preventing mineralization with calcium and phosphorous.
Unfermented grains – inhibit the absorption of minerals due to anti-nutrients
Bacteria that forms biofilms in the mouth preventing the remineralization of tooth enamel and destroying tooth enamel
Acidic oral environment – eats away at tooth enamel causing cavities
Dental drilling that destroys tooth enamel and prevents the remineralisation of teeth.
Glycerine, found in commercial toothpaste coats teeth and prevents the remineralisation of tooth enamel
 The good stuff:
Oral environment that strengthens tooth enamel and remineralizes cavities is rich in calcium — calcium and phosphorous are the building blocks that your teeth need to rebuild.  You have to supply them.
Maintains neutral pH, not overly acidic.  The toothpowder is alkaline and should act as a pH buffer — so brush at least twice a day.
Is free of bad-bacterial biofilms – has a predominance of good bacteria in the microbiome – lactic acid bacteria is one of the good guys that helps keep the bad guys in check.  You’ll need to brush your tongue when you brush your teeth, and floss at least once a day to get rid of the biofilms.  Bacterial biofilms will prevent the minerals from adhering to your teeth. 
Is without dental treatments that destroy tooth enamel and oral integrity such as dental fillings and root canals.  Once the dentist has drilled your teeth and removed the enamel, that tooth is compromised.  Root canals remove the nerve and blood supply from a tooth which allows bacteria to proliferate in the dead tissue.  Ideally, avoid both if you can, by catching potential problems before they require emergency management.
Diet high in fruits and vegetables and calcium rich bone broths, low in sugar, processed foods, and fermented grains will both rebuild tooth enamel and rebuild your overall health and wellness.  There is a connection between the health of your teeth and the overall health of your body.

How to cure tooth decay
You can cure tooth decay. Healing your cavities involves not just tooth brushing and oral hygiene but also a change in lifestyle and diet. You can’t just change from commercial toothpaste and keep eating crap and expect to rebuild your tooth enamel and heal your cavities. Your body deserves better.

DiY Tooth Powder Recipe that:
  • Whitens teeth
  • Freshens breath
  • Remineralizes tooth enamel
  • Repairs cavities
  • Antibacterial
  • Pain relieving
  • Prevents cavities by strengthening tooth enamel, removing bacteria, and changing pH

Cure tooth decay with remineralizing tooth powder for sensitive teeth
DiY Remineralizing Toothpaste  (makes 1 cup with no fillers)
1/2 cup baking soda
1/4 cup Himalayan salt, whirled in your spice grinder until a fine powder
1 tsp. peppermint essential oil
10 drops myrrh essential oil
10 drops clove essential oil
Divide this between 2 – 125ml (1/2 cup) glass jars.  Keep tightly capped when not in use.
This tooth powder has no fillers.  Every part is essential.  Initially buying the ingredients may seem expensive, but it will give you many months of tooth powder for your efforts.
Mix calcium, clay, baking soda, and Himalayan salt in glass bowl. Whisk it to blend it thoroughly. Add peppermint eo, myrrh eo, and clove eo. Divide between two ½ cup jelly jars. Cap tightly.
How to use this remineralizing tooth powder to cure tooth decay:
To use: Moisten toothbrush under the tap. Use plain, unfluoridated water. If your water is fluoridated it’s better to use filtered water to brush your teeth. Fluoride will bind to your teeth preventing remineralization with calcium. Floride is also harmful to the thyroid, filling the iodine receptors, and inhibiting iodine uptake. 
Stick your moistened toothbrush in the jar and take up some of the tooth powder on the brush.
Brush teeth as normal. If you are remineralizing your teeth in order to cure tooth decay, hold the goop in your mouth for 60 seconds while you do something else. This allows your tooth enamel to be in contact with the remineralizing calcium and clay. Spit. Do not swallow. The spit will be grey. That’s the clay removing toxins from your mouth. It’s normal. Rinse your mouth with clear water.
Brush at least twice a day. Floss once a day.
Turn this into remineralizing toothpaste:
If your family is used to toothpaste and would find it easier to use a paste rather than a powder, simply add ½ cup to ¾ cup of coconut oil to the above recipe. It will remain soft and paste like if your ambient temperature is between 60 and 70 degrees F. Organic virgin coconut oil is known to prevent cavities.

What does each ingredient in the recipe do?
Calcium carbonate – remineralizes teeth with calcium, replaces toxic fluroride that weakens teeth
Bentonite clay –whitens teeth, antibacterial, offers trace minerals, and absorbs toxins that inhibit oral health
Baking soda – whitens teeth, antibacterial, mildly abrasive, changes the pH to make the mouth less acidic
Himalayan salt, trace minerals,
Peppermint eo – freshens breath, antibacterial, refreshing, stimulating, carminative
Myrrh eo – freshens breath, antibacterial especially good for oral health, healing to gums and tongue,
Clove eo – pain relieving, antibacterial, numbing, helps if you have sensitive teeth

I have been using Earthpaste for the past couple of years. I have also added in more vitamin C such as lyposomal from Livon. Not eating gluten, sugar or pasteurized dairy I believe has contributed to better gums for sure. My hygienist actually asked me what I was doing because I had no bleeding when she was cleaning my teeth. Just wish I had known all this many years ago.

Healthy Life